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Related shows or resources: Rent School Edition
Rent the School Edition
Our school is contemplating proposing RENT: TSE for our fall musical. We have roughly 2,500 students in medium size city in Wisconsin. We are looking to find other schools who have produced RENT as a means to address questions we may have. We have strong student support for the show, but we are mindful of the community reaction. Here are some questions that we have;1) What rationale did you use in the proposal of RENT?2) Did you have issues with males or females playing the roles of: Angel, Collins, Maureen?3) If you produced the show, did you receive any backlash from teh community, or were they pretty supportive?Any recommendations or personal antidotes about your production will be helpful for us in making our decision. Our plan is to overview the perusal, and then we would like to talk to some of the schools that produce the show before pitching the show to our administration. If we receive teh go ahead, we will have a student and parent meeting to talk about why we are doing the show.