Bugsy Malone

Bugsy Malone
The pint-sized, pinstriped classic is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the gangster films of the 1920s.

Based on the hit 1976 film starring a preteen Scott Baio and Jodi Foster, and featuring a catchy, swinging score by the composer of The Muppet Movie, Bugsy Malone is good, clean, comedic fun!

Two gangs comprised completely of children, square off in a 1920s rivalry of Capone-ian standards. Dandy Dan's gang has gotten the upper hand since obtaining the "splurge" gun (a weapon that shoots whipped cream). Now, Fat Sam and his bumbling buffoons are in real trouble! Bugsy Malone, a one-time boxer, is thrust not-so-willingly into the gangster limelight when he becomes the last chance that Fat Sam's gang has of surviving. All Bugsy really wants to do is spend time with his new love, Blousey, but that just isn't in the cards for our hero.

Bugsy Malone is a master class in musical comedy. The libretto tosses the reader into uproarious laughter without even being staged. Imagine how delightful it is when it's brought to life! Not to mention, Bugsy Malone is a fantastic choice for school groups and programs with a large talent pool of young performers.

Bugsy Malone is only available to license in the United States and Canada.

Concert Selections for Bugsy Malone

MTI is not currently offering rental materials for this show. Please email concerts@mtishows.com with any questions.


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Questions & Answers

April 14, 2009
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Bugsy Malone
Hi! Has anyone compared these two scripts side by side? Other than length, what are the differences in them?
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