Logo T-Shirts

Logo T-Shirts

Show your pride with t-shirts featuring your musical’s official logo.


Our official Logo T-Shirts are licensed to your school or theatre, and make for a great fundraising item to sell to cast, crew and parents before the show and during intermission.  All of our logos are designed by professional artists, and, in many cases, they are the original designs used for the Broadway or Off-Broadway productions. All Logo T-Shirts come in black, and are perfect for actors and backstage crew.  While designs may vary, most Logo T-Shirts feature a simple title treatment - please call your licensing representative for more information.


Logo T-Shirts are available only in packs of six of the same size. Sizes include:

  • Child Small (8-10)
  • Child Medium (10-12)
  • Child Large (14-16)
  • Adult Small
  • Adult Medium
  • Adult Large
  • Adult X-Large
  • Adult XX-Large
T-Shirt Image Disclaimer

Please note, the images displayed on this page reflect the most current version of the physical t-shirts held in our inventory. Actual t-shirts received may have slight variations, and may not precisely match your official Logo Pack. Please use the Official Logo Pack for all billing and publicity needs.

Questions & Answers

November 01, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
Is there an additional cost for personalizing the t-shirts and is that something that's done through MTI?
T-Shirt personalization question.
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October 28, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo Pack, Logo T-Shirts
Are the logo t-shirts able to be personalized with school name and cast/crew names?
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September 10, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
What is the cotton content on the T-shirts?
I need to know the cotton content of the T-shirts for allergy concerns of 2 of my cast members. Thank you.
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August 01, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
Sweeney Todd T-shirts
What does the Sweeney Todd T-shirt look like is there a picture you might send or display to help me decide if I want to get these for our production
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August 01, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Audrey II Puppets, Logo T-Shirts
Sweeney Todd T-shirts
What does the Sweeney Todd T-shirt look like is there a picture you might send or display to help me decide if I want to get these for our production
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May 31, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts, Honk! JR.
Hello, Do you have HONK Jr. t-shirts for sale?
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March 19, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
What is the difference between the media pack and the logo package?
I have not been happy with the quality of the logo in the logo pack, is it better in the media pack?
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March 04, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
Are Shrek Jr Logo Tees available?
Shrek Jr is not listed on the order form at the website. Can we write it in? Or is it currently unavailable?
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March 03, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
How do you order show T-shirts?
We have collected money to order T-shirts for our show, but I can't find information on the website about how to do that.
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February 07, 2016
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Related shows or resources: Logo T-Shirts
How do we order logo t-shirts?
We'd like to order some sets of logo t-shirts for our production of Into the Woods, Jr. Please let me know how to do that.
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