Audition Central: The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley JR.
Script: Mrs. Cartero
(placing mail in the mailbox)Good morning, family Lambchop! Beautiful day today!
Sure is, Mrs. Cartero. Sure is. Is that our mail?MRS. CARTERO
Yep! United States Postal Service, at your service. Oh, and Stanley, there's a postcard for you.STANLEY
Thanks, Mrs. Cartero.MRS. CARTERO
You feelin' OK, Stanley? Something seems a little different about you...STANLEY
I feel OK, Mrs. Cartero. MRS. CARTERO
You sure seem different... I can't quite put my finger on it... You gotta haircut! Right? That's it. Lookin' sharp, Stanley. Sharp. See ya' around!STANLEY, MRS. LAMBCHOP
See ya!SIDE 2
(MRS. CARTERO enters delivering the mail.)MRS. CARTERO
Dang! This mail pouch is heavy today. STANLEY
Hey, Mrs. Cartero. MRS. CARTERO
What? Who said that? Who said that? STANLEY
Me. Stanley Lambchop. Up here, in the tree.MRS. CARTERO
Stanley Lambchop, are you a monkey?STANLEY
No, Mrs. Cartero, I'm not a monkey.MRS. CARTERO
Then get down from that tree. STANLEY
OK, Mrs. Cartero. MRS. CARTERO
That child scared the living spirit outta me. Calling at me from the top of a tree... (STANLEY is standing before her.)
Why aren't you in school?
I was waiting for the bus, then the cool kids turned me into a kite, flew me into a tree and, well, here I am. MRS. CARTERO
So, what are you gonna do now? STANLEY
I don't know. I'd like to go visit my friend Samantha.MRS. CARTERO
So why don't you? STANLEY
She lives in Los Angeles.MRS. CARTERO
That's pretty far away.STANLEY
Yeah. Dad said it'd be funny if I just sent myself in the mail MRS. CARTERO
Hold the phone, Stanley. That's a great idea!STANLEY
Look at you, Stanley! You're postal perfect! Why you could go anywhere in the world for just the price of a stamp! STANLEY
Why not! Think of the places you could visit!