Audition Central: The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley JR.
Script: Mr. Lambchop
Well, what did Doctor Dan say?MRS. LAMBCHOP
He said Stanley's... "Flat."MR. LAMBCHOP
We knew that already. MRS. LAMBCHOP
Apparently there's nothing to be done. MR. LAMBCHOP
Stanley, do you feel OK? STANLEY
I feel fine, Dad. MR. LAMBCHOP
You hear that? The boy is fine. Oh, and by the way Stanley, you got a postcard. (MR. LAMBCHOP hands STANLEY the postcard.)
It's from my best friend, Samantha, in California!MRS. LAMBCHOP
How is she adjusting to the move?STANLEY
She says, "California is fine, but she misses the snow and wearing funky galoshes." And she says we should visit soon. Do you think we could? MRS. LAMBCHOP
Oh, plane tickets to Los Angeles are very expensive... MR. LAMBCHOP
It's not like we could just jump in the mail, son. MRS. LAMBCHOP
That's a funny thought, dear. MR. LAMBCHOP
Stanley needs to get back to the ol' routine. Back to school, his friends. Do you feel ready to go back to school, Stanley? STANLEY
Do you think they'll laugh at me? MR. LAMBCHOP
Who'd laugh at the coolest kid in school? Stanley, you've been given a gift.STANLEY
Sure! Why look on the downside of being flat, when there's so much on the positive side? STANLEY
I don't think I follow. MR. LAMBCHOP
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