Audition Central: Captain Louie JR.
Script: Julio/Baseball Bat
(arranging his costume)
Captain Louie has arrived!
Yes sir! Glad to have you back! Lookin' great!
(LOUIE and ZIGGY exchange the "secret hand shake.")
(A new kid, JULIO enters. He is dressed as "Slugger" a baseball bat.)
Hi, I'm Julio.
Who's that? Don't know. Etc.
Haven't seen you around before.
Like the costume?
I like the long lean look.
I was going to be a catcher's mitt, but I couldn't get through the front door.
Hey, I was the catcher on our team this summer. You really like baseball?
Yeah. My whole family does. My little brother dressed up as second base last year.
Second base?
He looked great, but he didn't get much candy& He spent most of the night just lying in front of our house.
(They laugh.)
Hey guys. Are we going to trick or treat or not? I didn't fly all this way just to stand around, you know.
You're on. We've got a whole neighborhood to scare.
Let's head over to my old block.
(The KIDS all pass looks back and forth.)
You know, Louie, I hear someone's moved into your place.
Can't be.
Yeah& some new kid.
In my place?! Hey, nobody takes my place.
Ahh, he must be a real nerd&
Who is this new kid anyway?
No one we know!
Or want to!