The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Audition Central: The Music Man SR.
Script: Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn
And this is Mrs. Squires, and Mrs. Hix. And of course you met Eulalie MacKecknie Shinn?
(The women part revealing Eulalie dramatically.)
Our Mayor's wife? Isn't it exciting, Eulalie?
Oh, I couldn't say. I could not say. Oh no. I could not say, at this time. My husband will wish to investigate, I'm sure. And naturally I'm reticent. Oh yes, I'm reticent.
Of course, Mrs. Shinn, I understand. But you see, part of my music plans include a committee on the dance and
(EUALALIE moves her foot several times as if in minor pain.)
- no wait - wait! Do that again, Mrs. Shinn!
(SHE looks behind her, mystified)
Your foot! The way you raised it, just now!
(Lifting foot slightly)
Oh. Well. I have a bunion there that bothers -
Oh what grace! What natural flow of rhythm! What expression of line and movement!
Mr. Hill.
You must accept the chairmanship of the Ladies Auxiliary for the Classic dance, mustn't she, ladies?
Oh yes! Please! You must, Eulalie.
Every move you make, Mrs. Shinn, bespeaks Del Sarte. Will you - will you? Say yes, Mrs. Shinn!
(Moving forward amid flutters, SHE murmurs)
Eulalie MacKecknie Shinn - ah - well! I - ah -- that is - Dancing! Well!
Then you accept?
Yes indeed!