Dynamite Musical: TICK, TICK...BOOM!
Dynamite Musical: TICK, TICK...BOOM!
By GERRY LIU on July 14, 2009

Colin Hanlon, shown with Pearl Sun, plays a character dreading his 30th birthday in Jonathan Larson’s “Tick, Tick...Boom!” (Photo Credit: T. Charles Erickson)
Anita Gates' article in The New York Times gives great insight on this lesser known Jonathan Larson work currently playing as the Westport Country Playhouse.
For more information on the Westport Country Playhouse production (as well as a resourceful "Insider's Insights" by Baron & Boerger) please visit their website.
For more information or to license, visit TICK, TICK...BOOM on MTI Shows.
To "click" with other TICK, TICK...BOOM fans, visit MTI ShowSpace.