Freddie Gershon: Bringing Some Glee to High School Musicals and Helping Teachers Be American Idols
Freddie Gershon: Bringing Some Glee to High School Musicals and Helping Teachers Be American Idols
By Jason Cocovinis on June 16, 2010

MTI CEO, Freddie Gershon.
Music Theatre International's CEO, Freddie Gershon recently wrote a piece for The Huffington Post about younger performers keeping the art of musical theatre and performance alive and well. He cites the influence of shows like Glee and American Idol, as well as the perennial favorite, Disney's High School Musical (which MTI licenses as a stage version).
According to Gershon, "Those newly-popular kids who sing and dance and perform (without a football or pom pom) have made school productions and their stars way awesome, dude, and cool."
Read the Article
It's a really fun read, so check out what Freddie has to say by clicking here.