Cindy Says: All Together Now We Are!

Cindy Says: All Together Now We Are!
I know some of you still remain in the afterglow of the worldwide performances of All Together Now! I know I am. I usually observe, mentor, listen and create best practices for practitioners in musical theater. These past few months, I was in the middle of the process and experienced it through a much different lens. A lens that uncovered outcomes that are usually behind the scenes. If you spent any time on the All Together Now! social media (#alltogethernowmti), you may have related to the "I'm not ready" nerves, frantic last-minute cast replacement calls, incredible "favorite moments" or "we had more fun than should be allowed" experiences.
O'Connell & Company (Buffalo, NY) cast of All Together Now!
What did over a million performers, production crews and audiences uncover?
• Gratefulness in every language for the ability to finally create theatre together.
• The rich reward of inclusivity
• Learning to adapt
• Ability to shift expectations
• Charity in so many ways
• Time to Focus on Fun
• Finding Purpose
• Creating community is key
• Theatre makers globally supporting each other
On a personal note, I am grateful and proud to be associated with a company that took the initiative to address the intuitive need to create theatre in all of us. I will never forget a phone call I had with John Prignano, our Music Theatre International's Chief Operating officer and Director of Education and Development, and the brainchild of ATN!. It went like this, (in a very animated tone): "Cindy, let me tell you about this idea I have…".
All Together Now! uncovered the hidden treasures, now enjoy the discovery. ~ CR