Community Marketplace

Community Marketplace

This is the place to post items for rent or purchase and locate props, sets, costumes and more. Please note: MTI does not screen or control users who may sell or buy items, nor does MTI review or authenticate all listings or items offered for sale.
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English winter village backdrop used in productions of A Christmas Carol and Scrooge
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Seussical backdrop used in the production of Seussical the Musical
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Gingy Puppet for Shrek the Musical
Available from
StageWorthy Arts by Melissa Patrello
McKinney, TX
Available from
Performing Academy
Pleasant Hill, CA
Available from
Performing Academy
Pleasant Hill, CA
Available from
Performing Academy
Pleasant Hill, CA
Cinderella's fairytale castle backdrop for the play of Cinderella
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Gorgeous interior grand ballroom backdrop used in the production of Beauty and the Beast
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Available from
Desired Effect
Pleasant Hill, CA
Available from
Junior Drama / Twisted Plays
Morris, MN
Magical Undersea Castle backdrop used in the theatrical performance of The Little Mermaid
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Gleaming Emerald City Backdrop used in the production of The Wizard of Oz
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
The quiet London Skyline at Night backdrop is used in productions of Mary Poppins and Peter Pan
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Clock Montage backdrop is a must have for your production of Alice in Wonderland
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Magical Cherry Tree Lane backdrop used in the production of Mary Poppins
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Available from
Top Billing Entertainment Academy
Whimsical fantasy candyland backdrop used in the production of The Nutcracker
Available from
Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
Los Angeles, CA
Manta Ray Puppet
Available from
Prescott Park Arts Festival
Portsmouth, NH
Shrek Dragon Puppet
Available from
Prescott Park Arts Festival
portsmouth, NH
Available from
San Diego, CA
Available from
Ja'Duke Scene Shop
Turners Falls, MA
Available from
Networks Presentations
Columbia, MD
Available from
Networks Presentations
Columbia, MD
Available from
Networks Presentations
Columbia, MD