Upcoming Productions in Your Area

Title Address Org Name Website Dates Venue
Daddy Long Legs
721 Bryan Drive,box 7799
Dayton, TN 37321
United States
Bryan College-hilltop Players
04/10/2025 to 04/12/2025
Rudd Auditorium
Daddy Long Legs
63 North Main St.
Oberlin, OH 44074
United States
Oberlin College
04/24/2025 to 04/27/2025
The Kander Theater
Daddy Long Legs
80 Boylston St
Boston, MA 02116
United States
Emerson College
04/26/2025 to 04/27/2025
Spc Theatre
Daddy Long Legs
719 Wicker Ln
Jefferson City, MO 65109-4720
United States
Capital City Productions
05/15/2025 to 05/17/2025
Capital City Productions
Daddy Long Legs
3733 West Pine Mall
St. Louis, MO 63108
United States
Srw Creative
07/24/2025 to 07/27/2025
Mark Wilson Studio Theatre
Daddy Long Legs
525 North 400 West
Centerville, UT 84014
United States
Centerpoint Legacy Theatre
08/01/2025 to 08/30/2025
Leishman Hall
Daddy Long Legs
P.o. Box 2289
P.o. Box 2289
Saint George, UT 84771
United States
St George Musical Theater
11/05/2025 to 11/15/2025
St. George Musical Theater
Daddy Long Legs
6338 S Kings Ranch Rd
Gold Canyon, AZ 85118
United States
Centerstage Church- Dba Zao Theatre
01/16/2026 to 01/31/2026
Zao Theatre
Daddy Long Legs
415 S. Lafayette
Royal Oak, MI 48067
United States
03/20/2026 to 03/29/2026
Stagecrafters 2nd Stage