Upcoming Productions in Your Area

Title Address Org Name Website Dates Venuesort descending
The Toxic Avenger
111 S 2nd St
Loveland, OH 45140-3026
United States
Loveland Stage Company
05/02/2025 to 05/18/2025
Loveland Stage Company
The Toxic Avenger
LycAce Michel-Rodange Luxembourg (auditorium), Camp
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
United Kingdom
LycA%e Michel-Rodange
02/27/2025 to 03/02/2025
LycAce Michel-Rodange Luxembourg (auditorium), Camp
The Toxic Avenger
202 E Long Ave
New Castle, PA 16101
United States
New Castle Playhouse
10/24/2025 to 11/02/2025
New Castle Playhouse
The Toxic Avenger
1622 19th St
Bakersfield, CA 93301-4311
United States
Ovation Repertory Theatre
09/19/2025 to 10/12/2025
Spotlight Theatre