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Nicely Nicely Johnson as a Girl?
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Hi Everyone! I am doing Guys & Dolls JR this spring & I had a quick question. I wanted to know if anyone has cast Nicely Nicely Johnson as a girl & had her play it as a girl kind of like a Bonnie in Bonnie & Clyde or a Natasha in Natasha in Bullwinkle. If so how did it turn out? I am fortunate to work at an all boy middle school, where I have a lot of great boys. Therefore, I can easily cast it as a guy. However, I was just thinking that I may have more than 2 girls that I would like to feature. Please let me know you opinions! I greatly appreciate it!
3 Answers
Thank you Cindy!! I appreciate your input! I was looking at the script again & it seems like Benny's lines serve more to be a girl or guy. If I decide to cast a girl in the trio, I think Benny would be it. Therefore, I get to keep the iconic role of Nicely Nicely Johnson as a male & she wouldn't outshine the rest of the trio. I would love to hear your opinion about that as well! Thanks again!
VIP Answer
Hi Jennifer! I love your "out of the box" casting brain! I have done it several times with girls playing the gangster roles, complete with the classic suits etc., but never cast a girl as one of that trio. Most likely you have a strong girl vocal that will add some security to the Fugue which is great. My only concern is being such an iconic role, that it balances the other guys and doesn't over power the main female leads. That can be solved by good artistic direction. Anxious to hear from someone who has done it. Forge ahead!!