The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, January 17th and remain closed through Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.
Questions for Sweeney Todd School Edition
Materials Included
Materials Included
Hello, I had a general question about what materials are included in the school editions. Is doing a school edition title like doing a Jr./KIDS title, where you get a show kit that you get to keep (ie. the scripts) and do you get the accompaniment CD included with the show or do you need to get that separately?
Is it possible to produce Sweeney Todd School Edition in a 5 week rehearsal period?
Is it possible to produce Sweeney Todd School Edition in a 5 week rehearsal period?
I was just wondering if anyone thought it would be possible to produce this show over a period of 5 weeks. I am looking at directing this for a summer workshop in 2018 and the usual rehearsal schedule is Monday-Friday from 9-12pm for 5 weeks. I have been told yes it is, but I just wanted to hear from more people.
Where are the differences between the full show and school edition of Sweeney Todd?
Where are the differences between the full show and school edition of Sweeney Todd?
I'm looking for what the differences are between the full edition of Sweeney Todd (which I've seen) and the school edition (which I haven't). I know that directors make creative choices that can affect much of how the show is experienced, but I am wondering what the actual differences are between the productions.
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how much dance is needed for sweeney todd
how much dance is needed for sweeney todd
Answer this Question what do i use for audition sides.
what do i use for audition sides.
where do we get audition sides for sweeney todd school edition
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Sweeney Todd: School Edition
Sweeney Todd: School Edition
Is Sweeney Todd: School Edition doable in a high school setting? I've heard a lot of debate on this topic. What do you think? I'd love to do Sweeney Todd as our 2010 musical!