The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, January 17th and remain closed through Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.
Questions for Edges
Is there a way to see the lyrics of "In Short" from Edges without getting the perusal?
Is there a way to see the lyrics of "In Short" from Edges without getting the perusal?
I have a student who would like to sing this song for an IE, but I am concerned about a version that has the "f" word in it. Does the current script have the "f" word in it?
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What songs are in Edges???
What songs are in Edges???
So, I'm in the process of getting rights to perform "Edges", but I have a quick question...What songs are in the MTI licensed version of "Edges"?I've seen so many different songs that have been associated with this particular show. Some songs that I really love that weren't on the MTI information page for the show. So, from those who have used this version, what songs are in it?Thanks for any help!
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High School Appropriate?
High School Appropriate?
Is this show high school appropriate? I saw videos on Youtube of some songs that may be questionable, but the version on MTI seems to be different, with some of those songs cut already.
Edges. Edges. Edges.
Edges. Edges. Edges.
I will be uploading clips shortly of the version I directed... but I would love to discuss the show with anyone that is in it/ considering directing this piece. It is wonderful and a great show to bounce ideas off of! Let me know. I am all ears!!eric mathew