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Cast Size: Flexible Cast Size
Cast Type: Children
Dance Requirements: Standard
Character Breakdown
Don Giuseppe Baloni
Sicily's mafia boss and leader of "The Brotherhood." He enjoys joking around, but proves to be very capable in making big speeches and a man of his word on serious threats.
Gender: male
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: C#4
Baloni's mother and a typical Sicilian matriarch. Loud, obsessed with food, and speaks in an exaggerated accent.
Gender: female
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: C#4
An evil tribune and co-partner in crime with Parsimonius. He is an enemy of Agricola and worships Maximus's authority. Schemes with Parisominius and Maximus to be rid of Agricola once and for all.
Gender: male
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: G#3
Conkus Maximus
The long-nose Minister of Transport. Eccentrically dressed, snobby, and very serious about following the laws of the land. Schemes with Acrimonious and Parsimonious to be rid of Agricola once and for all.
Gender: male
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: A3
Gaius Julius Agricola
The Governor of Britannia, he is very popular and well-known for his cheerful happy-go-lucky demeanor. In moments of major crisis, he shows true leadership. Despite traveling the world, he dreams of settling down with Gracie in Lancashire.
Gender: male
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: A3
An evil tribune and co-partner in crime with Acrimonius. He is an enemy of Agricola and worships Maximus's authority. Schemes with Acrimonius and Maximus to be rid of Agricola once and for all.
Gender: male
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: G#3
Accrington Stanley
The local Cockney comic. A source of constant drunken entertainment at The Roman's Return, he is found constantly laughing at his own jokes.
Gender: male
Vocal range top: Eb5
Vocal range bottom: D4
Annie Trotter
Landlady of The Roman's Return. She is able to keep her calm in the most intense situations and dreams of settling down away from work.
Gender: female
Gracie Trotter
Older daughter of Annie and Jack, and Agricola's girlfriend. Dreamy and optimistic.
Gender: female
Vocal range top: F#5
Vocal range bottom: A3
Jack Trotter
The landlord of The Roman's Return. Very protective and somewhat aggressive about his business.
Gender: male
Cloggers; Majorettes; Roman Soldiers (Euphonius, Congenial, Gormlus, Hilarius, Ingenius, Minimus, Plonkus, Poisonus, Rufus, Samba, Scandalus); Roman Artistocrats (Cotta, Frigida, Julia, Julius Brutus, Labienus, Philipa, Pompos Monotonous, Lady Supercelia); Britons (Bert Blenkinsop, Arthur Clegg, Frank Clitheroe, Dolly Diggle, Fred Howard, Little Lil, Vera Platt, Pc Archibald Plod, Percival Pomfrett, Rita Sam, Elsie Shuttleworth, Sidney Shuttleworth, Wally Winterbottom)