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Questions for Little Women
Obtaining Orchestra Sheet Music
Obtaining Orchestra Sheet Music
Hi! I’m currently in a production of little women with a local theatre company. I think when they originally applied for the rights they applied for tracks, but I have pulled enough people together to have an orchestra. How would they legally request the change from tracks to orchestra?
Does the show Little Women come with a recorded score that we can use in place of a live orchestra?
Does the show Little Women come with a recorded score that we can use in place of a live orchestra?
The pre-recorded score for use in place of a live orchestra
Little Women Backing Track
Little Women Backing Track
Hello! Is there a way to purchase just the backing track for Little Women without the intention of using it for a show? Thank you!
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Can you get permission to use prerecorded music for this show? Our theater is small and does not have an orchestra pit.
Can you get permission to use prerecorded music for this show? Our theater is small and does not have an orchestra pit.
Answer this Question Using "Some Things Are Meant to Be" For Elementary Show
Using "Some Things Are Meant to Be" For Elementary Show
Hi! I am wondering about copyright, etc for solely wanting to play "Some Things Are Meant to Be" for our elementary school one act. Do I need to purchase this, or can I just need to purchase the sheet music? Thank you!
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Go fly a kite??
Go fly a kite??
I'm working on blocking the beach scene I can not find any reasources online on how to fly the kite on stage. Any help would be appreciated!
Little Women Question
Little Women Question
Any suggestions of how to "shorten Jo's hair" for the scene where she sells her hair in "Little Women"?
expanding roles?
expanding roles?
I need ideas about how to expand the roles in Little Women ? What do the trolls and monks do and an I sell it to the teenagers who do not get leads?
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Help me expand roles in the musical Little Women
Help me expand roles in the musical Little Women
I am directing Little Women this Spring. I know it says that you can have as many as 40 in the cast but I am not sure I can get the teenagers psyched about being Monks and Trolls- help please? any suggestions appreciated.