
Deception, espionage, foreign policy and... bowling fill this lighthearted skip through English history.

Sir Francis Drake lives in this decidedly unhistoric romp. Presented in the style of English pantomime, Drake tells the story of the legendary sea captain of the "Golden Hind," who is credited with circumnavigating the globe, defeating the Spanish Armada and – at least according to this musical charmer – romancing Queen Elizabeth I.

In Drake, the praises of Sir Francis Drake's nautical accomplishments are echoing through the streets of a working-class England. The reverberations tickle the ears and tug at the heart strings of Queen Elizabeth I. After suffering embarrassing defeats, Spain has launched intricate deceptive measures to bring England to its knees and Drake to Spanish justice. Blinded to the escalating conflict between Spain and the motherland, the Queen crafts a plan of her own to ensnare Drake's affections.

Drake is a playful poke at the England of old, filled with charming songs and a witty book. An abundance of featured roles make it dense with broad casting opportunities. This musical is a dream-come-true for a visionary creative team.

Concert Selections for Drake

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