Concert Selections
Concert Selections
MTI is pleased to provide the pre-approved rental materials of select songs for your symphonic concert performance. Please note, MTI is unable to grant the necessary Performance Rights with this material rental. The Performance Rights needed must be obtained separately through the individual song’s respective small rights agency such as ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC. Please email with any questions.
Learn more about the guidelines for creating your own concert here.
- RIVER WON'T FLOW (SYMPHONIC VERSION)First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byJason Robert BrownLyrics byJason Robert BrownOrchestrated byshow less...Jason Robert BrownArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (with vocal)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed with one or more singers.
Arranged for4 Voices (Typically 2 Female, 2 Male)Starting KeyGEstimated duration3 min 51 secInstrumentation1 Piccolo, 1 Flute, 2 Oboe, 2 Bb Clarinet, 2 Bassoon, 4 Horn, 2 Trumpet, 1 Trombone, 1 Bass Trombone, 1 Drums, 2 Percussion, 1 Electric Guitar, 1 Electric Bass, 1 Piano, (8) Violin I, (8) Violin II, (7) Viola, (6) Cello. Your materials will also include 1 Full Score and 5 copies of the Piano Vocal Score.
- ROAD YOU DIDN'T TAKEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyE♭Estimated duration2 min 43 secInstrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE; (2x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE; (1x) REED 1: Flute; (1x) REED 2: Clarinet; (1x) REED 3: Clarinet; (1x) REED 4: Oboe; (1x) REED 5: Clarinet; (1x) HORN; (1x) TRUMPET 1; (1x) TRUMPET 2; (1x) TRUMPET 3; (1x) TROMBONE 1; (1x) TROMBONE 2; (1x) TROMBONE 3; (3x) PERCUSSION: Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone; (1x) PIANO; (1x) HARP; (17x) VIOLINS; (7x) VIOLA; (6x) CELLO; (5x) BASS
- ROLL IN THE HAYFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byMel BrooksLyrics byMel BrooksOrchestrated byshow less...Doug BestermanArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyAEstimated duration3 min 32 secInstrumentation(5x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE, (1x) REED 1 (Flute), (1x) REED 2 (Clarinet), (1x) REED 3 (Bassoon OR Bass Clarinet), (1x) HORN, (1x) TRUMPET 1, (1x) TRUMPET 2, (1x) TROMBONE, (3x) PERCUSSION (Glockenspiel Timpani, Xylophone, Suspended Cymbal), (1x) DRUMS, (1x) KEYBOARD 1, (1x) KEYBOARD 2, (17x) VIOLIN, (5x) BASS - ROSABELLAFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLOESSER, FRANKLyrics byLOESSER, FRANKOrchestrated byshow less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyBEstimated duration3 min 06 secInstrumentation1 Reed 1(Flute), 1 Reed 2(English horn ,Oboe), 2 Reed 3(Flute ,Clarinet), 1 Reed 4(Clarinet), 1 Reed 5(Bassoon), 2 Trumpet 1&2, 2 Horn 1&2, 1 Horn 3, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 3 Percussion(Bells, Timp, Triangle), 1 Accordion, 2 Piano(Vocal Conductor)
- ROSEMARYFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byFrank LoesserLyrics byshow less...Frank LoesserArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
InstrumentationReed 1 (Flute), Reed 2 (Oboe, English Horn, Clarinet), Reed 3 (Flute, Clarinet), Reed 4 (Clarinet), Reed 5 (Bass Clarinet), 1 Horn, 3 Trumpets, 3 Trombones, 2 Percussion, 1 Guitar, 1 Harp, (16) Violin, (6) Cello, Bass. Your rental materials will also include 2 Piano Vocal Scores and 1 Piano Conductor Score.
- RUN FREEDOM, RUNFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byMark HollmannLyrics byMark Hollmann &Greg KotisOrchestrated byshow less...Bruce CoughlinArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Voice (Typically Male) and ChorusStarting KeyGEstimated duration2 min 50 secInstrumentation1 Bass, 2 Piano Conductor Scores, 1 Percussion, 1 Reed (Alto sax), 1 Trombone, 20 Vocal Books.
- SABBATH PRAYERFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byBOCK, JERRYLyrics byHARNICK, SHELDONOrchestrated byshow less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICE, 1 MALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyGmEstimated duration2 min 12 secInstrumentation1 Reed 1(Flute), 1 Reed 2(English horn), 1 Reed 3(Clarinet), 1 Reed 4(Clarinet), 1 Reed 5(Bassoon), 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 2 Horn 1&2, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar, 3 Percussion(Chimes, Bells), 1 Accordion, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
- SARAHFromFirst Performance Fee:$0Each Additional Performance:$0show less...Arrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
- SATURDAY NIGHTFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyCInstrumentationReed 1 (Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax), Reed 2 (Oboe, Clarinet, optional Tenor Sax), Reed 3 (Clarinet, Baritone Sax, Bassoon or Bass Clarinet), 2 Trumpets, 1 Trombone, Percussion, Keyboard 2-Synth, (16) Violin, (7) Viola, (6) Cello, Bass, (6) Piano-Conductor Scores
- SEASONS OF LOVEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byJonathan LarsonLyrics byshow less...Jonathan LarsonArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged forChorus (with Featured Solos)Starting KeyBEstimated duration2 min 51 secInstrumentation1 Bass, 1 Guitar, 1 Drums, 1 Organ, 2 Piano Conductor Scores, 20 Chorus Books
- SECRETARY IS NOT A TOYFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100show less...Arrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
- SELECTIONS FROM "THE MUSIC MAN"FromFirst Performance Fee:$300Each Additional Performance:$150Music byshow less...MEREDITH WILLSONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Symphonic Suite
A Symphonic Suite includes several songs in incomplete form, usually as a medley. It is written specifically for symphonic performance.
Arranged forSATB CHORUS and ORCHESTRAStarting KeyCEstimated duration9 min 45 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1, 1 Flute 2(Piccolo), 1 Oboe 1, 1 Oboe 2, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Bassoon 1, 1 Bassoon 2, 1 Horn 1, 1 Horn 2, 1 Trumpet 1, 1 Trumpet 2, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 2 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Percussion 1, 1 Percussion 2, 1 Glock, 1 Conductor Score, 25 Chorus books
- SEND IN THE CLOWNS ("SYMPHONIC SONDHEIM")First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENArranged byshow less...SEBESY, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (Instrumental)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed without singers.
Arranged forINSTRUMENTALStarting KeyCEstimated duration1 min 40 secInstrumentation(1x) Full Score; (1x) Solo Violin; (1x) Solo Cello; (16x) Violins; (7x) Viola; (6x) Cello; (5x) Basses; (1x) Harp
- SEND IN THE CLOWNS (Db)First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimOrchestrated byshow less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Female Voice, 1 Male (for dialogue only)Starting KeyD♭Estimated duration3 min 21 secInstrumentation(1x) Full Score; (1x) Piano/Vocal Score; (1x) Flute; (1x) Clarinet; (1x) Harp; (8x) Violin 1; (8x) Violin 2; (7x) Viola; (6x) Cellos; (5x) Bass
- SEND IN THE CLOWNS (Eb)First Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENArranged byshow less...MCKIBBINS, PAULArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (with vocal)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed with one or more singers.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICEStarting KeyE♭Estimated duration3 min 20 secInstrumentation2 Oboe, 2 Flute 1&2, 2 Bassoon 1&2, 2 Clarinet 1&2(in Bb),2 Trumpet 1&2(in Bb), 2 Trombones 1&2, 2 Horn 1&3, 2 Horn 2&4, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 3 Percussion, 2 Piano
- SEVENTY SIX TROMBONESFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byWILLSON, MEREDITHLyrics byWILLSON, MEREDITHOrchestrated byshow less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyCEstimated duration4 min 04 secInstrumentation1 Flute, 2 Clarinet 1, 2 Clarinet 2, 1 Clarinet 3, 1 Oboe, 1 Eng.Horn, 2 Bassoon 2 Trumpet 1 & 2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 14 Violin , 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion, 2 Piano/Conductor, Flute 2, Violins, 25 Chorus books
- SHE CRIESFirst Performance Fee:$0Each Additional Performance:$0
- SHE CRIESFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byJason Robert BrownLyrics byJason Robert BrownOrchestrated byshow less...Jason Robert BrownArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyFEstimated duration4 min 49 secInstrumentation1 Bass, 1 Drums, 1 Percussion, 1 Piano (plays PV Score), 1 Keyboard. Your materials will also include 2 copies of the Piano Vocal Score.
- SHE LOVES MEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byBOCK, JERRYLyrics byHARNICK, SHELDONOrchestrated byshow less...DON WALKER & FRANK MATOSICH, JR.Arrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyA♭Estimated duration4 min 24 secInstrumentation3 Reed 1(Flute,Piccolo), 3 Reed 2(Clarinet), 4 Reed 3(Bassoon, Bass, Clarinet), 1 Trumpet, 1 Horn, 6 Violin 1, 6 Violin 2, 6 Violin 3, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 3 Percussion(Timp, Crash Cymb, Wind Whistle, Drum set), 1 Keyboard 1(Accordian, Bandoneon), 1 Keyboard 2(Chamber Strings), 2 Piano Conductor
- SHE LOVES ME (ORIGINAL BROADWAY)FromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byJerry BockLyrics bySheldon HarnickOrchestrated byshow less...Don WalkerArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
InstrumentationReed 1 (Piccolo, Flute), Reed 2 (Oboe, English Horn), Reed 3 (Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet), Reed 4 (Bb Clarinet), Reed 5 (Bassoon), 3 Horn, 1 Trumpet, 1 Trombone, (3) Percussion, Accordion, Harp, (16) Violins, (7) Viola, (6) Cello, (5) Bass. Your rental materials will also include 3 Piano-Conductor Scores.
- SHIKSA GODDESSFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byBROWN, JASON ROBERTLyrics byBROWN, JASON ROBERTOrchestrated byshow less...BROWN, JASON ROBERTArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Starting KeyAEstimated duration3 min 59 secInstrumentation1 Piano (plays PC Score), 1 Acoustic Guitar, 1 Violin, 1 Cello I, 1 Cello II, 1 Bass. Your materials will also include 2 copies of the Piano Conductor Score.
- SHINE LIKE THE SUNFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100show less...Arrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
- SHIPOOPIFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byWILLSON, MEREDITHLyrics byWILLSON, MEREDITHOrchestrated byshow less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyGEstimated duration5 min 10 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1 & Piccolo, 1 Flute 2, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1 (Opt. Eb Clarinet), 1 Clarinet 2, 1 Clarinet 3 & Bass Clarinet, 1 Bassoon, 1 Opt. Soprano Sax, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 2 Percussion, 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
- SHOELESS JOE FROM HANNIBAL, MOFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byADLER, RICHARDROSS, JERRYLyrics byADLER, RICHARDROSS, JERRYOrchestrated byshow less...WALKER, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICE, 1 BOYS VOICE, MENS CHORUSStarting KeyGEstimated duration4 min 46 secInstrumentation1 Flute 1(Piccolo), 1 Flute 2, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarient 2, 1 Clarinet 3, 1 Bass clarient, 1 Bassoon, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trumpet 3, 1 Horn, 1 Trombone 1, 1 Trombone 2, 1 Trombone 3, 9 Violin AC, 8 Violin BD, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Guitar(Banjo), 3 Percussion(Wood block ,Snare drum, Bass drum, T.T., Cymb), 2 Piano Conductor, 25 Chorus books
- SHOW OFFFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byLisa LambertGreg MorrisonLyrics byLisa LambertGreg MorrisonOrchestrated byshow less...Larry BlankArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 Voice (Typically Female) and ChorusStarting KeyBEstimated duration4 min 41 secInstrumentation(22x) PIANO/CONDUCTOR SCORE; (2x) REED 1: Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone, Piccolo, Flute, Alto Saxophone; (1x) REED 2: Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Soprano Saxophone; (1x) REED 3: Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone; (1x) REED 4: Bass Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone; (1x) TRUMPET 1; (1x) TRUMPET 2; (1x) TRUMPET 3; (1x) TROMBONE; (1x) KEYBOARD 1; (1x) KEYBOARD 2; (1x) BASS; (2x) PERCUSSION: Vibraphone, Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Bell Tree, Mouth Siren, Temple Blocks, Vibraslap, Timpani, Gran Casa; (1x) DRUMS
- SIDE BY SIDE BY SIDEFromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged forMALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyFEstimated duration8 min 42 secInstrumentation(1x) Full Score; (2x) Piano/Conductor Score; (10x) Vocal Book; (4x) Vocal Minority; (4x) Reed 1: Piccolo, Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone; (3x) Reed 2: Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Flute; (4x) Reed 3: Clarinet, Flute, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone; (3x) Reed 4: Oboe, Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone; (3x) Reed 5: Bassoon, Clarinet, Baritone Saxophone; (2x) Horn 1 & 2; (1x) Trumpet 1; (1x) Trumpet 2; (1x) Trumpet 3; (1x) Trombone 1; (1x) Trombone 2; (3x) Percussion: Xylophone, Drum Kit, Glockenspiel, Temple Blocks, Timpani, Vibraslap (or Flexitone), Acme Siren, Ratchet, Police Whistle, Wood Block; (1x) Guitar: Acoustic, Banjo; (1x) Piano; (16x) Violins; (6x) Cello; (5x) Bass
- SIDE BY SIDE BY SIDE ("SYMPHONIC SONDHEIM")FromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENArranged byshow less...SEBESKY, DONArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (Instrumental)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed without singers.
Arranged forINSTRUMENTALStarting KeyFEstimated duration7 min 45 secInstrumentation1 Reed 1(Flute 1), 1 Reed 2(Flute 2), 1 Reed 3(Piccolo Flute), 1 Reed 4(English horn), 1 Reed 5(Clarinet 1, Double Eb Clarinet), 1 Reed 6(Clarinet 2 Soprano sax), 1 Reed 7(Clarinet 3, Bass Clarinet), 1 Reed 8(Bassoon), 1 Trumpet, 1 Horn, 1 Trombone, 1 Baritone horn, 1 Tuba, 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola 1, 6 Celli, 5 Bass in C, 1 Harp, 1 Percussion 1(Glock, Xylo, Snadpaper block), 1 Percussion 2(Vibes, Mounted cymbal, Bell tree, Sand blocks), 1 Tack Piano(Celesta), 1 Full score
- SIDE BY SIDE BY SIDE (ABRIDGED)FromFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byStephen SondheimLyrics byStephen SondheimArranged byDavid Charles AbellOrchestrated byshow less...Jonathan TunickArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (with vocal)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed with one or more singers.
Arranged forEnsembleStarting KeyE♭Instrumentation(1x) FULL SCORE, (20x) PIANO/VOCAL SCORE, (1x) REED 1 (Clarinet, Alto Saxophone), (1x) REED 2 (Clarinet, Alto Saxophone), (1x) REED 3 (Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone), (1x) REED 4 (E-Flat Clarinet, Piccolo, Tenor Saxophone), (1x) REED 5 (Baritone Saxophone), (1x) HORN 1, (1x) HORN 2, (1x) TRUMPET 1, (1x) TRUMPET 2, (1x) TRUMPET 3, (1x) TROMBONE 1, (1x) TROMBONE 2 (Bass Trombone), (3x) PERCUSSION (Timpani, Xylophone, Woodblock, Police Whistle, Drums), (1x) BANJO, (1x) PIANO, (8x) VIOLIN 1, (8x) VIOLIN 2, (7x) VIOLA, (6x) CELLO, (5x) CONTRABASS - SILENT NIGHTFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music byTRADITIONALArranged byshow less...GIBSON, MICHAELArrangement DetailsSong Type: Concert/Symphonic Arrangement (with vocal)
A Concert/Symphonic Arrangement has been specifically written for use in a concert setting. Generally this means it features a larger, typical symphonic orchestration than what you may find in the show. It is meant to be performed with one or more singers.
Arranged for1 FEMALE VOICE, CHORUSStarting KeyD♭Estimated duration1 min 36 secInstrumentation1 Flute, 1 Oboe, 1 Clarinet 1(Bb), 1 Clarinet 2(Bb), 1 Bassoon, 9 Violin 1, 8 Violin 2, 7 Viola, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 1 Harp, 1 Conductor Score
- SILLY PEOPLEFirst Performance Fee:$175Each Additional Performance:$100Music bySONDHEIM, STEPHENLyrics bySONDHEIM, STEPHENOrchestrated byshow less...TUNICK, JONATHANArrangement DetailsSong Type: Show Extraction
A show extraction is taken directly from the licensed show materials. No edits have been made to the song.
Arranged for1 MALE VOICEStarting KeyG♭Estimated duration3 min 04 secInstrumentation1 Alto flute, 1 Bass clarinet, 1 Clarinet 1, 1 Clarinet 2, 2 Horn 1&2, 2 Trumpet 1&2, 1 Trombone, 1 English horn, 1 Horn 3, 6 Cello, 5 Bass, 17 Violin, 7 Viola, 3 Percussion, 1 Harp, 2 Piano Conductor
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