Broadway Junior Project


Music Theatre International’s Broadway Junior® Project provides schools that lack arts programming with the FREE training and materials necessary to present a Broadway Junior® musical production in their school.  The goals of the Project are to:

  • Assist schools that currently have no full time arts specialist to create an infusion of the arts and an arts culture within the school
  • Build a strong community through the arts that includes the school, parents and members of the community at large
  • Engage as many students as possible in all aspects and areas of the arts
  • Encourage the connection of arts programming to curriculum including assessment

Schools interested in being part of Music Theatre International’s Broadway Junior Project must fill out an application to be one of three winning schools selected for 2016/2017. 

The three winning schools will receive:

  • A license to perform a Broadway Junior musical of their choice
  • A ShowKit® of materials that supplies teachers with all the resources they will need to direct, choreograph and teach music like a true professional
  • Professional development workshops for the schools’ teachers

About Broadway Junior Musicals

Broadway Junior musicals are 60-minute adaptations of classic and contemporary shows perfect for middle-school aged performers.

Browse the collection of musicals.

About the Professional Development Workshops

Teams of teachers from each of the selected schools will participate in Professional Development workshops in a variety of areas lead by Master Teachers from educational theatre experts, iTheatrics.

These workshops will provide training in all areas of musical theatre production as well as curriculum connections and community involvement. Throughout the entire process of rehearsal and performance a local professional Production Advisor selected by MTI will offer guidance in these same areas while continuing to empower the teaching teams to run the program by themselves. 

Benefits to Participating Schools

  • Complete Broadway Junior ShowKit including:
    • Director’s Script
    • 2 Performance/Accompaniment CD’s
    • 20 Student Libretto/Vocal Books
    • 2 Piano/Vocal Scores
    • Production Handbook
    • Cross-Curricular Activities and Enrichment Guide
    • Choreographic Video
    • Chorus Books
  • An arts specialist working with your school for the entire process
  • 3 Professional Development workshops for the project teachers

Timeline 2016 - 2017

  • February – April: Schools identified, applications sent to interested schools
  • April 31: Completed applications due
  • Early May: iTheatrics site visits to schools to select participants
  • June/July: Schools select shows, Production Advisor assigned
  • September/October: Professional Development workshops
  • September – November: Scheduling work with schools teams & Production Advisor
  • January – April 2017: Rehearsals
  • April/May 2017: Performances


Apply today!

Questions & Answers

August 15, 2009
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Related shows or resources: Ragtime (Version 1)
Ragtime: synth programming?
Ragtime materials include 2 alternate keyboard books, to be used with a module supposedly available (separately) from Music Arts Technologies. Each of the two books we got gives a different address and contact info for this company, and neither seems to be any good.Does anybody know anything about this company, or any other available preprogrammed modules, or effective programming, for Ragtime?
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July 07, 2009
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Related shows or resources: Urinetown
Urinetown at your school?
I teach at an independent K-12 school. Our annual musical is performed by the high school but often school families will attend. I have a question for people who have done 'Urinetown'. Did you have to talk your administrators into doing the show? If so, how did you do it? How did you get them beyond the title? What was their and the school community's response to the show? Any accolades you would care to share with me?I've made a very strong case for the show, and one person is reading it. I am curious if other people have had the same problem.
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June 27, 2009
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Related shows or resources: Godspell 2012
My group is doing Godspell in October. This time I decided to go out for the show and made the main cast, so as a person who normally does the lights, video work, special effects and helps develop sets, I'm trying to get alot of things done early since I will have songs and a script to learn. So with that I have a question that is a little more on the tech and special effects side of things.For the beginning of show I want to create what looks like something crashing into the back of the stage, we have a huge screen that comes down behind the stage. Well, at impact, not only do I want the video to have the effect of smoke, which is not an issue, but I want a good size puff of smoke to come off the back of the stage and maybe a few pieces of paper to look like it damaged something, just for effect. As a group we have 2 smoke machines, but they don't throw smoke fast enough to create this effect and make it look right. We don't have a whole lot of room to work with, the stage is only 16' by 16' and don't want to spend a fortune on something. We also couldn't really use pirotechnics, too close to the audience and during Halloween, while doing a Haunted theatre, in this theatre, our smoke machines set the fire alarm off. I am open to any ideas, whether it just be ideas that you thought of or already proven ideas that you may have done once before.Thanks for all the help.
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April 14, 2009
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Related shows or resources: Bugsy Malone
Bugsy Malone
Hi! Has anyone compared these two scripts side by side? Other than length, what are the differences in them?
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April 12, 2009
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Related shows or resources: Sweeney Todd School Edition
Sweeney Todd: School Edition
Is Sweeney Todd: School Edition doable in a high school setting? I've heard a lot of debate on this topic. What do you think? I'd love to do Sweeney Todd as our 2010 musical!
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April 10, 2009
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Related shows or resources: Tick, Tick... Boom!
Tick, Tick...Boom!
We are a community theatre contemplating the production of Tick, Tick...Boom!, by Jonathan Larson. Has anyone out there already produced it, or has seen it that might be able to tell me what the sets looked like in detail. The performance space we use is somewhat limited, not to mention after each weedend performance we would have to strike the set and put it back up after the sunday church services are through.(the church also uses the space) Please help! Thanks. Peter
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